Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Well, I guess it's enough of this denial business. I'm now 16 weeks pregnant. First time I've made it this far and feeling really lucky about all of it. The only thing that's been bothering me is that I haven't felt much movement the last several days, and I read an article about a woman who lost hers at 20 weeks - not good timing for me to read that article!

So it's off to my OB this afternoon for more tests and more views and more conversations. So far my statistics for Downs is very low (relief), but I still have CVS and Spina Bifida to deal with. I'm thinking positive.

The great news about work is that no one has noticed... In fact, an office co-worker said that I look like I'm getting skinnier! I chuckled at that. I think I've finally gained a couple of pounds - which is OK. I just don't want to balloon like a crazy pregnant woman. I've felt really good and have kept up my 6-day exercise regime, even getting doubles in on Monday and Wednesday.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Not able to sleep. Alzheimer's ramblings...

Tonight I'm having a hard time getting to sleep. Normally, this is not something I have difficulty with, but tonight I find myself wide awake at midnight. Michael's snoring (he has a bad cold) and I thought hey, let me post something to my rambling blog. Besides, it's been forever and I never even wrote about my holidays.

Holidays. They were the most memorable I think I've ever had. It was hard...really hard, but it wound up being quite profound. Mom is suffering with advanced Alzheimer's the age of 64. My sister called the week before Christmas and said, "You need to come home. This is probably mom's last Christmas. At home, anyway..." So, off I went to Alabama to "surprise" Dad and Mom, and do whatever I could do to help out. It was worse than I imagined, she didn't know who I was most of the time. But I had the opportunity to help take care of her - feed her, change her, toilet her, dress her. It's all so very simple if you're talking about a baby or a child - but one's mother. No one prepares you for that. There were tears. Lots of tears. But there was laughter too - and that made things much easier to handle. Who ever thought we'd end up at the "Waffle House" for Christmas dinner! Here's the video.