Thursday, February 26, 2009

Photo from happier days

Here's a great pic from my birthday (last month). February has been a wash...lots of sickness. Gerard has been sick since Saturday with the stomach/diarreah virus. Horrible... Then I passed out at work with it, myself. So - I thought it would be nice to show a photo from a happy day. We are both parched, tired and eating lots of rice and bananas now.
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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Look out Elton!

We were stuck inside today, so that meant lots of music time so Mom could get some work done! Here G is during a jam session.
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Sunday, February 15, 2009

Asian Cracker

I went to the local Asian market to pick up ingredients for Tom Yum soup, and the lady gave Gerard some crackers. They taste sweet, salty, and a little bit like dried shrimp to me, but he just loves them! Hey, he loves them and they don't make a mess...gotta love that. When Michael came home he thought it smelled like tuna fish in the house (and we all know how I feel about that food product). We had a good laugh!
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Happy Valentine's Day

Balloons are just about Gerard's favorite thing in the whole world!
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Friday, February 13, 2009

Everything is good

Gerard's surgery went well. He didn't cry. He was fussy, but not horrible coming out of anesthesia. All in all, a very positive experience. He's had a fever (we think from the ear infection) and are waiting for that to drop. As soon as I get some extra minutes I'll post some pics. Sorry for the delay, but life has been way too busy.

Last week Gerard had his eyes examined (very good), his teeth checked out (not so good), allergy testing (he's allergic to eggs, peanuts, walnuts, and dog/cat). We can easily modify his diet, but the cat's going to be a hard one for us to give up. Sophie's been part of the family for 13 of her 15 years...and she's still a healthy and strong girl. Anyone know of someone looking to adopt a beautiful and well-mannered kitty, just give me a shout. It's a hard thing to do, but compromising Gerard's lungs any more than they already are is not an option. He has the predictors for asthma and his eczema is a sure sign that we must eliminate the animal from the house. Since I'm allergic as well, it's probably not a bad idea. I realized this last week when I was in Nashville and I had no allergy symptoms while I was away.

Monday, February 09, 2009

Long days...

I haven't had time to post since it's been so busy since my return from Nashville. Oddly, something weird is happening with my breasts. Seems like my milk is coming back in. All I can figure is that the "mommy" hormones kicked in when I got home after being away from him for so long. Why am I posting this? Because I am in PAIN!!!! And it's just not what I was expecting. Anyone have a clue about this bit of mystery? And yes, I have a call into my doctor for those of you who think I'm a nutcase.

And while on the topic of healthcare (again), I didn't expect that we'd be taking Little G in for surgery on Thursday, but there you have it. He's having surgery in his ears (tubes) and we hope this helps with all the infections. It's been nonstop antibiotics for the past 5 months.

Well, off to bed. After writing all evening, I've got to take the baby to the allergy doctor in the morning for another stick and then more work, work, work. I do have some adorable photos but I'm just too tired to post them tonight. I guess I'll have some time on my hands Thursday morning to get them posted. More later.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

February 2008 and February 2009 comparison

Today I decided to sift back through the archives to see how far we've come - here's a recap. February 3, 2008 Gerard weighed in at 5 lbs. Today...21 lbs. and able to see me off at the airport last Sunday!
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