Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Back in January

In January, when we were in the hospital with pneumonia for the second time... Glad winter is finally over.
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G loves to read

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Gerard and Diesel # 10
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I'm three!

This is Gerard's version of the number 3. He has a hard time with getting his fingers to do what his brain is telling him to do, but it's close enough. Ah, the threes! It's been such fun (all except the hospital the first week in January). He's talking up a storm and doing all kinds of fun things, like asserting his opinion. Last night, "Daddy, your hair is not pretty. Mommy, your hair is pretty." And, "I don't like Daddy's hair like that." ---Michael shaved it very short, and seems lilttle man knows what he likes.

Since my foot surgery he's not interested in being near me. Last night we turned a corner, and he cuddled in and asked me to read him poetry. I'm so glad he likes poetry, and the opera, and the ballet and the symphony. Don't worry he-men, he likes cars and trucks, but mostly he loves trains! We have quite the collection of Thomas Tank Engine and friends - lots and lots of trains to play with. Recently, Gerard likes to say that he's Henry. Mommy is Edward, and Daddy is Salty. Yes, the threes are a lot of fun!

Gerard is still sensitive, and hates it when anyone raises their voices, and I'm fine with that. It keeps Michael somewhat quiet. :)
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