I haven't wanted to post in a while because it's been one doctor's visit after another. Last Friday, we had to get his right ear drained at the ENT, and it's still not looking better. He's finishing yet another round of antibiotics and it's not working this time. Runny nose (to the extreme), runny ears (pus and blood), cough, sore throat(tonsilitis), vomiting, and refusing to eat. Gerard's just not been feeling well. In spite of all that, they can't pinpoint what's wrong, other than a bacterial infection that is probably now a viral infection. Our doctor has been on vacation, so the other doctor thinks he may have a fungal infection in his ear that is resistant to antibiotics (we had ear drops and eye drops as well). This new doctor gave me a lecture about chronic use of antibiotics and told me to keep him out of daycare. It was not a supportive visit. His ear culture came back negative for bacteria this time...so it's a mystery. I won't ramble about it any more, it's too depressing.
Here's a photo of Gerard playing at the doctor's office with their big toy. Doesn't he look huge? Well...his weight is down again - He got up to 22.9 earlier this month, and is now down to 21.8 with this illness. Next week we'll be talking about the possibility of removing his tonsils since it's a playground for bacteria and infection. We're just worried about him being so young.