Monday, June 23, 2008

Pretty Baby - Bug Series

Well, we did it. We went on our first road trip to Snowbird. Three bags, a baby seat, and a stressed out mom. So much luggage for such a tiny person! No camera. He handled it like a champ, but was very sleepy at altitude and slept a lot. He's also (I think) teething...which means a little cranky, a lot of drool, and a more than usual lot of poop. I trekked him around in the Baby Bjorn and we had a nice time checking out the cookout contest going on for BBQ champs of Utah. Didn't see much of Michael because he was working. But nothing like a cute baby to get lots of attention from all kinds of strangers. And...he got his first dose of "real" TV, which he seemed to enjoy for 5 whole minutes. PBS is just not his thing.

He's looking good with his new bug toy from Auntie Carla and his "Chick Magnet" onesie from Auntie Vikki. I think he's so pretty...most people think he's a girl- until he lets out that loud, hoarse cry! OK family members, isn't it scary how much he looks like his mamma? It's uncanny!

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