Friday, January 09, 2009

Not a fun week

Gerard and I have been home sick much of the week. I'm coming around, but still wheezing. He's got several things going on: bronchialitis, tonsilitis, meta-pneumovirus, swollen glands, and diarreah with the occasional vomiting. Yes, lovely. So...with one viral infection on top of another, we've managed to end up sick, sick, sick. My goal was to not have to admit him to the hospital, and so far so good... Yesterday we were worried he might have full blown pneumonia. What a relief to know that, no, just lots of congestion.
The new antibiotic seems to be working, thank goodness. Good grief, this is the third one for him and second for me in a month (not good for the tummies). I'm concerned about our immunity at this phase of the RSV season, but hopeful that we're going to be much better after a restful weekend. Michael's been a trooper running back and forth to the store and pharmacy. I'm ready to feel good again. This is feeling a little too much like the beginning of 2008. It's OK, I only had one little meltdown at the doctor's yesterday and no one was in the room at the time...:) Our pediatrician has been wonderful, although very concerned that he's been throwing me one thing after another since before Christmas.

You can see from the photo he's not feeling all that well, but he's been such a trooper. Only one little tear from that horrible blood draw yesterday. I'm lucky I've been able to keep him hydrated.

He's up from a nap, so until next time...
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