Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Allergies, Asthma, etc.

After months of illness, we had to take Gerard out of daycare and he's back home with Nanna Margie. Things are getting better. The immunologist has diagnosed him with allergies, asthma, eczema, etc. etc. Oh well... It's not like we're unfamiliar with the clinics, but last Friday the specialists office couldn't get a good stick so we were back at Primary's. Yuck. We're back to two breathing treatments a day (palmicort) for a while, along with topical and oral meds for the allergies.
On a positive note, he's running and talking and making us laugh...a lot! His new word for me is "mammacita" (he learned that from his dad) - and it comes out like "mammalita" - very cute. He's still addicted to "Thomas" and anything that has to do with trains and cars.

1 comment:

Shelley C said...

Our grandson Logan is having the same health issues with allergies and eczema and bad ear infections. He was too sick to enjoy his brother's birth when we were there last week.....but this week he is well...I can relate!