Friday, April 04, 2008

Almost...but not quite - April 4, 2008

For all of you rooting for Gerard to be off of oxygen, we're not quite there. He did rather well on the study, but tonight he started d-sat'ing and we had to put him back on after his bath. I was upset, of course. I had to remember to not have expectations. Practice non-attachment. Practice patience. It's not easy. I'm still working on it. The doctor said that we could take him off, but put him back on when he starts hitting the low-90's, which he did tonight. He was off for almost 24 hours with decent results. We will continue to try. The doctor says we should keep oxygen in the house for another month. I didn't like the sound of that, either. Disappointing. Anyway...enough of my sadness. Here are some fun photos of Gerard in the bath. You know you were waiting for these! He's looking "rashy" - and we can't figure out what that's all about. He's got my sensitive skin. Lucky guy!

Today I found out that my "coffee guy/barrister" is leaving my favorite coffee place. I'm going to miss Justin. He's the perfect guy to give me a cuppa - just friendly enough, and always asks about Gerard, but not too obnoxious for morning chats. He's really, really good - even Heather commented about what great service he offered. Good luck in Salt Lake Justin, Cucina is lucky to have you!
I'm anxiously awaiting Carla's arrival tomorrow. She'll certainly cheer me up.

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