He's up to 3 lbs. 3 oz. today. That's progress. It's Day 9. He's come up from 2 lbs. 10 oz. He's still on the ventilator, but requires a lot less oxygen when I'm in the room with him. Again...amazing. Not quite what we planned, but what is?
My blood pressure is still sky high (diastolic still ranging around 103) and they're watching that I don't seizure on them. That is still frightening...and of course, I blew another I.V. I'm frustrated with the entire situation. Hospitals are not hotels, and I've never been more uncomfortable or in more pain. That, and they don't let you sleep. So...I'm trying to do lots of meditation, but the threat of going back on the mag makes me a nervous wreck.
Here's another photo of my little Christmas angel.
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