The nursing staff has been so wonderful. Today I got a sheet of updated pictures of Gerard from Nurse Rose, which helps. I think he looks so much like Michael in today's photos, and it's nice to see his little cheeks looking fuller. He was awake for a full 30 minutes this morning and has been a good boy today. Michael got to hold him chest to chest, which helps with his breathing.
Photos of the boys:
I love this photo of him just sacked out. Not terribly interesting, but I love seeing that he's sleeping. Many of the little ones in the NICU don't sleep so well.
As for me, I've had three naps today. Still not feeling great, but it's 5:00 and I'm feeling like posting, which is a good sign. When i woke up, I started reading a funny book that my friend Paula sent me called "Sippy Cups are Not for Chardonnay and other things I had to learn as a new mom," by Stefanie Wilder-Taylor. I've already had a few good chuckles and I'm only to page 9, but she had a lot of pages in her introduction.
I actually can't hear out of my right ear today. It's like my ear's under water. But I can see out of both eyes that's significant improvement! Sure hope the new antiboitics hit this ear business by tomorrow or it's back to the doctor on Tuesday. Because I still have no voice, Michael decided to utilize his new Christmas gadget - the walkie-talkies. I can hit the "call" button and it rings so he can hear me downstairs. Last night I scared him to death when I knocked on the wall to get his attention. He couldn't imagine who would be out at our door at 9:30 PM in this frigid weather. That was fun.
Hey, I wrote that book and I just had premie twins. Check out my blog. I'm so with you. My little one was born 2 pounds. She's 5 pounds now. And my big one was 4 pounds and she's almost 8 pounds now. It's really scary but does get better.
I'm so glad you feel like reading. The book did what I hoped it would....make you chuckle! Paula
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