Wednesday, January 09, 2008

January 9 - Lots of Snow and Less Oxygen

Weight - 3 lbs. 6-1/2 oz. (up 1/2 oz.)

Today it snowed so much I was afraid we wouldn't make it to the hospital. The car got stuck twice, but Michael dug it out. I think we got over 12 inches today, but I haven't confirmed that with the news yet. There's at least that much piled up on the birdbath. I'll post pictures tomorrow.

Gerard did well today. The doctor said he's down to 1L of oxygen (he was up to 3L at one point), but he's still learning how to breathe. The night nurse thinks he's got his days and nights mixed up (Mom used to say that about me as a teenager) - but he was most active at night before birth. I got to hold him around Noon, and he lifted his head up a few times and moved around a bit - getting stronger! Michael had the pleasure of changing his very dirty diaper and after that we were surprised he gained any weight at all today. He didn't cry or make noise while we were there, but he did open his eyes when daddy talked to him.

I'm very tired today, but it was a good day overall. Docs weaning me slowly off the meds to experiment with what happens. BP is still extremely high at night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hang in there. What a beautiful family.