Sunday, February 24, 2008

Feb. 24 - Boarding In!!!

Weight - 6 lbs. 10 oz.

Good news! We're boarding in tonight at the hospital and it looks like Gerard will be coming home on Wednesday. Got a phone call from the doctor yesterday morning saying that he passed the room air test and he's "ready to go" - which of course, set a whirlwind of action into place.
Not much time to write at the moment, but I'm pleased that we're getting closer. Michael and I are spending the night in the hospital to get a feel for working with the equipment he'll be on until he doesn't need oxygen assistance. That could take weeks, months... who knows. It makes me nervous, but I know it will all work out OK. I'll be calling the local fire dept. to make sure we know who our 911 dispatchers are.
After expressing our concerns to the staff during rounds last week, communication at the hospital has been much, much better. We probably should have said something sooner. As I've said time and time again, I feel that the baby's care has been first class - it's just the communication with us parents that could have been better. Hard to do when there are so many people involved, I realize. More later tonight. I'm sure we won't sleep all night! And we love the night shift.

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