Tuesday, February 05, 2008

January 5. Happy Mardi Gras

Happy Mardi Gras
Gerard Weight - 4 lbs. 15 oz.

My sister Angela at the Mardi Gras Ball!

The little guy slipped today. Not sure what's going on, but he was fine at 2:00 when I finally got to the hospital today. He took a bottle at 11:00 and that wore him out, so his feeding with me was "sleepy" and he didn't work very hard. He did so much work earlier, he was just too tired, I guess. Kind of like me. I'm really, really tired today and a little weepy. I think it's the new meds that are supposed to help me with milk production. I'll give it a few days, but if I can't get past it I might just have to ditch the medication. I simply can't function this way. It feels like PDD is kicking my ---. And I can't have that.

Since it's Mardi Gras, Happy Mardi Gras everybody. No hoo-ha this year. No one here in my world remembered...and I've brought King Cake to the office every year. It's kind of got me down today along with all the other stuff that's got me down. I used to get cakes and Zapp's potato chips and run around and toss them to everyone. Unfortunately, this year there was no time, and it's not celebrated here, so no one was into it. Funny, every year since I've been having parties, whoever got the baby out of the cake actually "had" a baby the following year. Guess who got the baby last year in the cake? Yep...me! And...keeping with tradition...I had a baby. We laughed it off last year. Guess there's a little gris-gris connected with me and those cakes. Lookout whoever gets the baby next year.

Since I missed out on all the fun this year, I have lovely photos of my beautiful sister, Angela in her ball gown at the Krewe of Athena in Prattville. Isn't she pretty?

Also pretty...the snow. As much as I've been hating it lately, it's gorgeous in photos when we have sun.

And yes...I voted today. It took 30 minutes. No joke. Only two little old ladies checking people in.

Michael's at the hospital and will take photos of the baby for you to see tomorrow or the next day. Sorry for my mellow mood. I'm just too tired today.

My first baby, Sophie, has got the right idea taking a nap (in Michael's spot on our bed) in the sun on the quilt that Mon-Mon Blanc made years and years ago. The quilt is as heavy as any down comforter. It's pretty amazing and it has wonderful energy.

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